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Histology and microscopic analysis

Immunohistochimie et anatomopathologie

​The histology and microscopic analysis platform has an expertise in post-mortem analysis of tissues derived preclinical models of neurodegenerative diseases. The histological studies comprise the sampling and handling of the biological samples (biosafety level 1, 2, 3), the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the microscopic data, on rodent (mice, rats) models, non-human primate models (macaques, microcebes) and human brain tissues.



Published on 24 June 2024


The platform is key in the validation of new animal models of neurodegenerative pathologies and in the evaluation of the efficacy, biodistribution and safety of the newly tested biotherapies (drugs, stem cells, viral vectors, etc …).



  • Sampling and preparation of samples (tissue fixation and/or freezing)
  • Histological sections acquired with vibratome, microtome, or cryostat
  • Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence labeling, simple or co-labeling
  • Histochemical staining to observe structural details in tissues
  • Enzyme activity labeling 
  • In situ hybridization to characterize the presence of specific RNA inside a cell
  • Immunostaining and clearing of biological samples (iDISCO)
  • Macroscopic or microscopic image acquisition
  • Analysis with dedicated software




  • Macroscopy tables, located in biosafety level 1, 2 and 3 areas, dedicated to tissue sampling and tissue fixation
  • Peristaltic pumps for perfusion of fixative


  • Cryostats Leica CM 3050S (thickness 10-20µm)
  • Microtomes Leica SM 2400 with a cooling system (thickness 30-40µm)
  • Vibratome Leica VT1000S (thickness 50-100µm)

3. Imaging

  • Light and fluorescence macroscope (Leica Z16 APO)
  • Light and fluorescence motorized microscopes (LEICA DM6000 - Zeiss AxioPlan Imaging)
  • Confocal microscope (Leica SP8)
  • Digital slides scanner (Zeiss Axio Scan.Z1)


4. images analysis

Different software is used depending on requirements (mosaic image acquisition, automatic object detection by thresholding, cell counting by stereology, 3D image analysis, etc.).
